All the games were scored in the round sixth of FIDE Women’s Grand Prix in Ankara. Humpy Koneru won against another leader Ruan Lufei in the variation which happened already in the game Kosintseva-Koneru. Anna Muzyhcuk showed fighting spirit and managed to win against Betul Yildiz after 130 moves of tough fight. Both Humpy Koneru and Anna Muzychuk have 5 out of 6 and keep on leading in the Grand Prix at the moment. Monika Socko celebrated her first victory over Turkish player Kubra Ozturk. Tatiana Kosintseva defeated Viktorija Cmilyte in the rook endgame. Chinese players Ju Wenjun and Zhao Xue outplayed Antoaneta Stefanova and Munguntuul Batkhuyag respectively and share the third place in the tournament.
Munguntuul Batkhuyag-Zhao Xue 0-1 Munguntuul Batkhuyag: I think it was better to ply g3 instead of Kh2 because after Black managed to kick out my knight form h5 it’s not easy to find a plan. It was not a good idea to play f4 on my 40th move, the position became lost. Instead I could have stayed and waited. I didn’t see how black can improve their position. Zhao Xue: In the opening I tried to keep as much pieces on the board as it’s possible. She played this line with Tania and Anna. Since May we’ve played 4 games against each other. Previous game finished in a draw, so I wanted to change something because the last three games were very bad. Today I think I played better than before. Even without f4 her position was worse. It was easier for me to play it. My idea was just to keep the position, to play slowly. My opponent had no chances to play actively. I missed some chances before the first time control, I think I had more active moves. Tatiana Kosintseva-Viktorija Cmilyte 1-0 Tatiana Kosintseva: We played quite popular line of Najdorf today. I’m not sure if Re8 or Rd8 have played before. I thought white has better position after 14,Nf5 Bf5 15. ef as my bishop on b3 is very strong. I was not sure about my move f4, either it works or not. I had feeling that Black could have survived in that rook endgame because I didn’t play good before. Anna Muzychuk-Betul Yildiz 1-0 Anna Muzuchuk: I just chosed the variation where the position was about equal. Maybe I have some chances but veru little ones. In one moment I had feeling the game will finish soon after some repetitions but then Betul started to think too much and it was not easy for her to play under time pressure. I think the decisive mistake was when she played h5 because I’ve got this idea Bh7-f5-Bg6.